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The Invisible Ones
We know them as workers but we have not seen their faces. We know that they're not from the city but we don't know where their home is. In the chaos of everyday life, they continue to be unseen, and thereby become invisible. What do their lives look like? What are their problems? Let's watch this video.

This initiative attempts to rightly restore the dignity and lifestyles of construction site workers so that they can live fulfilling lives beyond just the basic needs of roti, kapda and makaan.
A beginning
With a focus on building a holistic ecosystem for our workers, we aim to support their lifestyle by building homes that are healthy and safe, facilitating community living, offering plenty of learning opportunities for children at our sites and through events where a culture of visibility and care is developed.
What does that look like? Find out below.
We have taken a small step.
Join us so we can go further together.

Behind your home
So grab a cup of tea or coffee and get a cozy chair. Get ready to run into people from faraway lands you couldn’t spell the names of and hear them speak in languages you didn’t know existed, get ready to see the invisible.
We spoke to our workers and discovered some fascinating stories about their lives. Behind all the hardwork they do to build our homes, each of these people have secrets that we have compiled into a book! As home buyers, let us be curious and acknowledge these workers for the work they do.
Open design for open minds
In association with MindSpace Architects
We believe that good designs must be shared. In the spirit of collaboration and sharing, the designs for specially constructed homes of the labour colonies at Rohan are available for free here.
Go ahead and make them your own!
As builders and developers, small change in our thinking and design, we can make a big difference in the lives of our workers. We will be very happy to learn how you have used these designs at your sites.
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