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Healthy community,
happy children.
A definite measure of how good a community is to identify how happy the children living there are. Done in association with Tara Mobile Creches Pune (TMCP), the idea is to take care of their health and learning needs while building a holistic ecosystem for their growth and well-being. When parents are assured of their child's safety, they can live and work carefree. It makes all their hard work worth it.

Support and interventions in building a healthy body that can hold a healthy mind.
Imagining education as a safe space for children to learn and grow holistically.
Building an ecosystem for nurturing all the needs of a child.
A sound body can hold a sound mind. With special attention given to not only preventing disease but also encouraging healthy lifestyle, regular health checkups are arranged for the children at Rohan sites. The recurring nature of these checkups is crucial. Several minor illnesses are identified and a few major cases are also diagnosed. Children are monitored for malnourishment and interventions are made in the necessary cases. Vaccines are administered via the Indradhanush scheme, there have been some challenges in acquiring these, but the work continues.

A safe space to be
The day care center ensures that children have a space space to be. Every parent wants the best for their child, the day care centers help in converting this wish into reality by building an ecosystem where a child can naturally grow with their peers, learn through playing and feel nourished in an environment conducive and committed to their well being and flourishing.

Knowledge is power
With the sentiment of no child left behind, we want to ensure that children at ROHAN get the best of an all-round education so that they can build the life of their choice for themselves. The Middle Childhood and Adolescent Developement Progamme (MCAD) designed by TMCP for children above 6 years of age offers interventions in life skills and pre-schooling classes so that children can transition into their school lives seamlessly. Effort is also made to identify children with delays in learning or disabilities and providing timely therapeutic interventions.

Not just about the books
Education does not occur just shoulders above. Keeping this in mind, co-curricular intrventions are also a part of the ROHAN and TMCP childcare ecology where it is a regular sight to see children engage in Dance, Yoga and drawing activities. One of the sites also has provisions for tutoring in pole and rope mallakhamb. With Online life skills and child rights sessions, the children at ROHAN are prepared to face the world, as their parents work hard to provide them the bright future they deserve.

Children can truly flourish only when their families are healthy and happy. Parents and the home conditions of the child actively contribute in their growth.
Early childhood care and education along with parental education on subjects like WASH, health, hygiene and nutrition, social matters like child rights and child protection, domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse. is done through day care centers in association with Tara Mobile Creches Pune, located at labor colonies.
When parents are capable and aware of the support that they can give their children, learning becomes an ongoing process and the child can have a childhood filled with good memories.

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